The previous footpath was not wide enough for pushchairs and wheelchairs.
Funded through Walsall Town Deal, the improvements are a small part of a wider scheme to improve sustainable transport across the borough, making it easier for people to walk and cycle.
“ It’s great to see another active travel scheme completed successfully. With funding through the Town Deal we are working hard as a council to improve active travel across the borough so that people can travel for work and leisure and this is another piece of the jigsaw completed. “
The footpath is now wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs and pushchairs
Rayboulds Bridge Road provides access to the new Lockside housing estate currently being built by Walsall Housing Group (whg) as well as access to the canal towpath. Widening the footpath will make it easier for people to travel on foot, improving road safety. .
Walsall is in the middle of a £1.5billion programme of investment, of which Walsall and Bloxwich Town Deal make up a considerable part. The widening of the footpath on Rayboulds Bridge Road is one of many Town Deal funded schemes that will improve active travel and connectivity across the borough.