Use your Swift travel card to go to the gym

The West Midlands Swift travel card can now be used to help people in Wolverhampton get fit thanks to a ground breaking new partnership.

The card, which is used to pay for bus and tram travel, can be used in place of a gym membership card to access WV Active leisure centres.

Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) has teamed up with City of Wolverhampton Council, which runs the 3 leisure centres, to launch the new 2 for 1 health and travel card.

The Swift card can be used at the WV Active Central, WV Active Aldersley and WV Active Bilston-Bert Williams. It is it thought to be the first partnership of this kind in the UK.

Swift offers great convenience as people only need carry a single card to get the bus or tram and enter the gym. It also saves money with cheaper fares than cash. The pay as you go Swift card can also be used for those trips to the shops, work or days out.

A successful pilot scheme launched earlier this year saw the combined gym and travel Swift cards given to care leavers in the city. During the pilot 1,937 journeys were made by people using their combined cards.

For TfWM, part of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), the scheme also demonstrates the versatility of Swift card technology.

Councillor Ian Ward, WMCA transport portfolio holder and leader of Birmingham City Council, said: “We want to encourage people to use public transport and keep fit and active and this new Swift card partnership makes it easier for people in Wolverhampton to do both.

“Swift is already popular with commuters across the West Midlands as a convenient and money saving alternative to cash. But Swift is adaptable and we are always willing to work with partners to find new and innovative ways to use this technology.”

Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for public health and wellbeing, said: “We’re really excited about the launch of the Swift travel card and WV Active partnership after the positive feedback we received from the trial among care leavers earlier this year.

“Many WV Active members travel to our centres using public transport, meaning this initiative will be more convenient and save them money. I would encourage WV Active members to jump onboard and exchange their regular membership card for a joint Swift travel card when they are next in centre.”

Swift is the most popular travel card in the West Midlands, and is used for about a million pay as you go journeys a year.

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