In a series of reports to Cabinet on February 11, Birmingham City Council members will be asked to note overall strong progress in preparing for and delivering the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. 

Cabinet will also be asked to endorse an Outline Business Case (OBC) to realise the legacy of redeveloping the Alexander Stadium. 

The OBC places the stadium at the heart of an improved Perry Park, transforming the much-loved open space into a hub of community, leisure, health and wellbeing activity – as part of the effort to improve the quality of life for those already living in the area and to make Perry Barr a place that people from far and wide want to visit and call home. 

Cllr Ian Ward, Leader of Birmingham City Council, said: “Having just secured planning permission to redevelop the Alexander Stadium, a scheme that is on budget and schedule, the publication of the OBC is yet more encouraging news as we continue to work with our Games Partners to prepare for the biggest event in the city’s history. 

“Things are now starting to progress at pace ahead of the summer of 2022 when we welcome 6,500 athletes and officials from 71 nations and territories to Birmingham. 

“Post-Games, the rebuilt Stadium will become the focal point of all community, leisure and wellbeing activity in a regenerated Perry Barr. This OBC details the way forward as we seek to improve the quality of life for those already living in this part of north-west Birmingham.” 

In addition, a £9million council investment is being proposed as part of an initial £15m package into services to ensure the wider city is truly “Games ready” and in the best position possible to reap the full long-term benefits of staging the event. 

Cllr Ward added: “We are a proud host city, so this funding will enable the council to get things in place so the city is ready to maximise the potential of hosting the games and the benefits the event will bring in the years beyond 2022. 

“The need for these resources was always anticipated. Its use will not be directly related to the actual delivery of the Games. It will be used to improve the city for everyone who lives in, works in or visits Birmingham, with full details in the months ahead. 

“Given we have funding available at this time, it is right to allocate it now because with more than two years to go until the Games, it gives the council as much time as possible to maximise the benefits from this increased investment.” 

Finally, with land assembly largely complete and a number of plots already let for construction works, approval will be sought at the February 11 meeting to enter into contract on the largest plot on the site (1,354 bedspaces) as the regeneration of Perry Barr continues at pace and the requirements for the Games Village are met. 

In addition, the reports to Cabinet also detail how the council is continuing to work with partners locally and nationally to address previously-identified cost pressures between now and Games-time that relate to the Village, with a Revised Full Business Case for the scheme due before councillors in due course. 

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