Walsall Council is to restart some essential highway maintenance activities from Monday 6 April. The workforce will be operating under stringent site rules and procedures to ensure that works can be completed safely and in accordance with social distancing guidance. Any works that cannot be undertaken in this way will remain suspended and those works that do proceed will be subject to regular review.
Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader of Walsall Council said: “Walsall’s highway network is playing a vital role in ensuring that key workers can travel safely to and from work and deliveries of essential supplies can be made reliably.”
“Over the last two weeks, we have been working with our delivery partners to determine ways in which we can carry out essential works whilst maintaining social distancing and ensuring the highest safety standards for our workforce and the travelling public. Detailed method statements have been prepared, operatives have been trained in alternative ways of working and all sites will be regularly checked to ensure compliance.”
“The Council is committed to keeping the highway network safe and moving however ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of our workforce and the travelling public is essential.”