Let’s talk skills and jobs series part of Business Week

Skills and jobs events in Wolverhampton will feature as part of this year’s Wolverhampton Business Week online programme under the ‘Let’s Talk’ series of webinars.

On Wednesday (23 September), between 10am and 11am, skills and training providers are invited to hear from regional and local partners in the city, about how they are responding to meet current and future workforce skills.

They will also talk about how they are adapting to support students and learners to continue to improve their skills and qualifications.

This free event is being led by the City of Wolverhampton Education Employment and Skills Board.

To register for a place and find out more visit Invest Wolverhampton. Registration closes at 9am on Monday 21 September.

An invite only event for local work coaches, key workers, advisors and support organisations will take place on Tuesday (22 September) between 2pm and 3.30pm.

People who provide careers information, advice and guidance will hear about the career opportunities in the telecommunications sector and training currently available.

It is also an opportunity to discover how employers’ recruitment practices are changing.

Interested parties can find out more by contacting recruitment@wolverhampton.gov.uk.

City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, Councillor Dr Michael Hardacre, said: “These are uncertain times for people and it is critical that they get the right advice and support.

“These two digital events are aimed at colleagues and organisations working on the frontline with businesses and job seekers to ensure they have the best tools at their disposal to connect the two.

“Business Week provides a platform to highlight this critical work as we look to Relight Our City in its recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.”

These are the ways you can get in touch with City of Wolverhampton Council for support and advice on jobs and skills:

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