Two public spaces protection orders (PSPOs) that help tackle dog fouling and nuisance drinking in Sandwell are set to be renewed.
The Sandwell-wide PSPOs will replace two previous orders and will each run for three years from 1 March 2021. PSPOs last for up to three years and then have to be renewed.
Sandwell Council’s Cabinet is being asked to approve the implementation of the orders at its meeting on 24 February.
People face a £100 fine if they breach the dog fouling PSPO by failing to pick up after their pet. People who use registered disability assistance dogs are exempt from this order.
And people also face a £100 fine under the alcohol PSPO if they are causing a nuisance and don’t stop drinking or surrender their alcohol when instructed to do so by an authorised officer or the police.
Deputy council leader Councillor Maria Crompton said: “These orders will help us combat dog fouling as well as crime and anti-social behaviour linked to nuisance drinking.
“The PSPOs have helped the council and its partners deal with these issues over the past three years and we need them to continue.
“Dog mess is not only a nuisance but it’s a public health hazard, particularly to children who play at parks and play areas. We find this unacceptable and are sure most people do too. It also unfairly gives responsible dog owners a bad name.
“A small minority leave dog mess on our streets, footpaths, parks and open spaces for other people to step in. It can easily be bagged up and put in one of our dedicated dog mess bins or a litter bin.
“There are around 750 litter and dog mess bins across the borough or people can take it home to put in the grey household waste bin. Just make sure that it is double wrapped and tied securely.”
Councillor Crompton added: “It’s important we continue to tackle alcohol-related nuisance, to protect our communities and also to make sure people who need support are identified and referred to services that can help them.
“We try to educate people about the impact of their behaviour on others – and offer advice and support wherever we can. These orders are to help prevent these problems and also give officers powers to issue fines if needed.”
The alcohol PSPO complements the West Bromwich town centre PSPO, introduced in August 2018, which has been very effective in reducing crime and anti-social behaviour in a designated area.
The introduction of the orders follows an eight-week public consultation in which survey recipients showed strong support for both PSPOs.