Council launches new funding round to support community heritage projects

Following the launch of the Walsall Heritage Strategy (2021-2026), to unleash the Borough’s creative spirit and industry for the future, a new funding round has launched to support heritage projects. To support fresh ideas; from sharing untold stories to championing culture, from outdoor activities to creating digital content, the main aim is for a wider range of people to engage with the Borough’s diverse heritage.

Crowdfund Walsall was launched in 2021 by Walsall Council in partnership with crowdfunding platform Spacehive. So far over 330 backers, to 11 projects, have contributed to over £60,000 of community funding.

The first Walsall Community Heritage Fund round, funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, supported projects including Walsall Wombles to work with existing and create new “Friends of” groups to litter pick areas such as Sister Dora Gardens, King George V Playing Fields, Moorcroft Wood and Leamore Park, supporting recovery and reconnecting people with the environment. Bostin’ Creative Arts & Theatre also secured funding to deliver Walsall Memory Jar – Down the Arbo!, creating an online archive for community memories alongside an interactive trail.

Alongside the main Crowdfund Walsall Fund, eligible projects could receive a pledge of up to 80% (maximum £7,000) towards their crowdfunding target. Funding is also available via the Platinum Jubilee Fund, celebrating 70 years of Her Majesty the Queen’s reign, and external organisations such as Walsall Housing Group.

To be in with a chance of securing support, local projects need to register their idea on the Crowdfund Walsall website by 20th April. Free online workshops in partnership with Spacehive will be held to help develop ideas, find out more online:

Robyn Llewellyn, Director, England, Midlands & East at The National Lottery Heritage Fund said:

“Investing in heritage means investing in the community it belongs to, which is why we are so pleased to support projects that really matter to the people of Walsall.  It’s thanks to National Lottery players that we are able to support local initiatives like this, and I look forward to seeing a wide range of communities and cultures represented in this funding.”

Cllr. Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration said:

“Our community groups and organisations are key to Walsall’s Heritage Strategy; they have the vision to deliver empowered and inclusive projects that celebrate our Borough’s heritage. We want to support projects at the heart of communities, improving lives with projects that reflect our unique Borough. Crowdfund Walsall enables us to champion these new ideas.”

Cllr. Garry Perry, Deputy Leader for Resilient Communities said:

“We’re excited to repeat the success of the first two rounds of Crowdfund Walsall with innovative and impressive ideas that the local community put forward. Local people are best placed to understand the challenges and opportunities in their local area and crowdfunding puts them and their ideas in the driving seat.”

Crowdfund Walsall gives local people the opportunity to create and deliver projects aiming to enhance our area. Our platform is a place to connect businesses, residents and communities to showcase ideas for the borough and attract funds.

Along with tailored support, there are two funds available which groups can apply to in the hope of getting a pledge towards their campaign:

  • Crowdfund Walsall Fund – a general community fund from which the Council can pledge up to 40% of your project costs to a maximum of £3,500 towards projects that bring benefits to the community.
  • Walsall Community Heritage Fund – provided by the Heritage Lottery Fund, groups crowdfunding projects that celebrate local heritage can receive up to 40% of your project costs to a maximum of £3,500.

The next funding deadline is the 20th of April 2022.

Web page:

As a priority local authority area within the National Lottery Heritage Fund’s Strategic Funding Framework 2019–2024, Walsall Council has received a grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) to improve the Council’s heritage capacity and to stimulate heritage activity across the borough.

This adopted Walsall Heritage Strategy (2021-2026) sets the agenda for the Council over the next five years to both champion heritage within the Council and stimulate interest in heritage in its most diverse forms across the borough.

Web page: 
The National Lottery Heritage Fund:

Using money raised by the National Lottery, we inspire, lead and resource the UK’s heritage to create positive and lasting change for people and communities, now and in the future.

Follow @HeritageFundUK on TwitterFacebook and Instagram and use #NationalLotteryHeritageFund

Since the National Lottery began in 1994, National Lottery players have raised over £43 billion for projects and more than 635,000 grants have been awarded across the UK.
Each week, thanks to National Lottery players, £30 million is raised for good causes across the UK.

Benjamin Parker
Heritage Programme Officer
Walsall MBC

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