Dudley Council is delivering waste collection calendars to all borough households ahead of 2020.
Residents will see that their collection day remains unaltered but calendars have been designed to remind people when to place their waste out for collection.
The calendars cover collection details for dark grey bins (non-recyclable waste), green bins (garden waste) and recycling containers.
Households are asked to ensure containers are ready for collection for 6.15am on their collection day at the edge of their property or driveway. Containers can be placed outside from 7.30pm on the night before collection day.
Residents are reminded that collection times may vary from week to week, but if items haven’t been collected by 3pm on collection day then they can report a missed collection to Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345.
People are asked to use their black box for glass bottles and jars only, blue bag for paper, card and cardboard only and green bag for plastic bottles, aerosols, food tins and cans only.
The council does not recycle any type of plastic other than bottles as other types of plastic such as yoghurt pots and fruit punnets are made from lower quality plastics.
Any borough residents who would like to receive additional free green or blue sacks or black boxes to help increase their recycling should ring Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345.
Alan Lunt, deputy chief executive, said:
The calendars will be delivered to households at the same time as the Christmas collection leaflet.