City of Wolverhampton residents and stakeholders are being invited to have their say on the city’s proposed new housing allocations policy. The official public consultation has starting and will run until Friday 11 October 2019. It comes on the back of a wholesale review by the city’s Better Homes Board, […]
The number of flexible workspaces are set to increase by 56% in 2022
The appropriately dubbed ‘co–working revolution’ has rapidly grown over the last few years and has now reached record levels according to flexible working experts. The number of co–working spaces worldwide in 2018 was 16,599 and it’s on track to reach 18,287 by the end of 2019. The rate of year […]
Manufacturers Advised About New App for Tracking SVHCs in Consumer Products
Consumers in the European Union (EU) will soon have direct access to information on Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) in consumer products, as per the requirements of REACH, through an app that is currently being tested. Under Article 33 of REACH, consumers have a right to know if SVHCs […]
Housing repairs service set to join the MySandwell online portal
Sandwell Council is continuing its digital transformation with housing repair services set to join the MySandwell portal. It means tenants will be able to log repair requests 24 hours a day, seven days a week through MySandwell, without needing to pick up the phone or visiting their Local office. The repairs […]
‘Young Freelancer of the Year’ calls for a healthier approach to work/life balance
Harvey Morton, IPSE Young Freelancer of the Year 2018, calls for microbusinesses and solopreneurs to assess their work life balance. Named Young Freelancer of the Year 2018, Harvey Morton understands the pressures of working for yourself only too well. At the helm of Harvey Morton Digital, Harvey has overseen the […]
First P2P Platform Set to Change How Businesses Make Cross-Border Payments
Some products can be cheaper if bought in Japan or China compared to The Philippines. One thing stopping Filipinos from enjoying these discounts are the cost and inconvenience of making a cross-border payment. Asian Fintech start-up GDP Inc. is launching a Peer-to-Peer solution for businesses called PEZZAPay. The platform matches […]
Make the switch and save on energy bills this autumn
Dudley borough residents could save money on their energy bills this year by taking part in Dudley Council’s energy saving Big Switch scheme. The council-run Big Switch has been running for several years and growing in popularity as a result of the great savings that can be made on home […]
How to remove a negative review from your amazon account?
Amazon has more than 2 million third-party sellers which account for more than half of its sales – with this huge competition, Amazon sellers must maintain high feedback ratings and good reviews to differentiate themselves and remain successful in the industry. Without a star rating, sellers cannot build a buyer’s […]
UK “first in line” for US trade deals
The UK is “first in line” for a trade deal with the US, according to US National Security Adviser, John Bolton, when he met new prime minister, Boris Johnson at Number 10. “To be clear, in the Trump administration, Britain’s constantly at the front of the trade queue, or line […]
London Business Training and Consulting Announces a Change of Address
LBTC, a leading business and management training and consulting service provider is delight to announce you that, we have recently relocated our office to a new location in London. The address of a new location is One Lyric Square, Hammersmith, London W6 0NB, UK. All other contact details like phone […]