Clinical Support Worker Justin Jansen has always wanted to succeed but it has been no easy feat for the Walsall Healthcare worker. The 22-year-old was diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger’s when he was 13. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioural disorder which means Justin’s mind runs at […]
New smart hub for Education, Health and Care Plan process
Parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities are being invited to find out more about the new smart Education, Health and Care Hub. The Hub supports 2 core processes around a child or young person’s Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). It will provide a secure […]
Peanut allergies affected by exercise and sleep deprivation
Sleep deprivation and exercise can make people with peanut allergies more sensitive, a study at Addenbrooke’s Hospital has found. Published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, the team found that exercise and sleep deprivation each significantly reduce the threshold of reactivity (the amount of peanut needed to trigger a […]
Suicide rates in city continue to reduce, latest figures show
Suicide rates in Wolverhampton have reduced to their lowest levels for nearly a decade, latest figures show. Wolverhampton’s Suicide Prevention Stakeholder Forum is working hard to raise awareness of suicide prevention and the importance of good mental health and wellbeing, to open up a dialogue around this complex issue and […]
Sugar Smart Sandwell launched
The Sugar Smart Sandwell campaign was launched today with the aim of helping people reduce the amount of sugar in their diet. Based on the national Change4Life Sugar Swaps campaign, Sugar Smart Sandwell is inviting local companies and organisations to get involved in promoting healthier food choices. This may involve […]
Positive impact of organ donation
Organ Donation Week is over for another year but our Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Sister Laura Smith reminds us why we must keep talking about our loved ones’ wishes. She has had first-hand experience of knowing how a family feels awaiting a transplant for a loved one. “My uncle was […]
City marks World Suicide Prevention Day
The efforts of individuals and organisations in Wolverhampton to aim to prevent suicide will be highlighted on World Suicide Prevention Day. Wolverhampton’s Suicide Prevention Stakeholder Forum held a special event to showcase the good work taking place to raise awareness of suicide prevention and the importance of good mental health […]
Changes to Sexual Health Services in Walsall
All sexual health services in Walsall will be centralised at one site from Monday 2 September 2019. Walsall Integrated Sexual Health Services (WiSH) will be concentrated at the Walsall Sexual Health Clinic on Pleck Road and will no longer operate from the Navigation Street clinic after Friday 30 August 2019 […]
Reassuring families and raising awareness of organ donation
Throughout Natalie Myatt’s nursing career she has always had a strong interest in organ donation. “I did my nurse training at Wolverhampton University, qualifying in 2009, where I started working in Walsall before moving to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham,” she explained. “Through that time I worked in the […]
Babies Memorial Service
The annual Babies Memorial Service was held at 3pm this Sunday 1 September 2019 at St Andrew’s Church, Birchills Street, Walsall. During the service we remembered by name babies who have died and those present were invited to light a candle in their memory. The service is organised by Walsall […]