A new way of detecting rheumatoid arthritis using infrared light could offer an objective way of diagnosing the disease and monitoring treatment effectiveness, a University of Birmingham study shows. The rapid, non-invasive technique could help clinicians diagnose the disease earlier, and assess how effectively the selected treatment is controlling the […]
Shobna Gulati Launches Dementia Campaign Aimed at South Asian Communities
Shobna Gulati has spoken out about her own family’s experience of dementia to encourage more open discussion of the condition in South Asian communities. The actress has shared her story to launch a new campaign from Alzheimer’s Research UK, which aims to help people understand what dementia is and how it affects […]
New lung cancer treatment option approved by NICE
Immunotherapy drug pembrolizumab (also known as Keytruda) used with chemotherapy drugs carboplatin and paclitaxel will now be an option for adults with squamous non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) which has spread to other parts of the body and who haven’t had any previous treatments. Around 7,500 people in England are diagnosed […]
Six million cigarettes found in West Midlands by trading standards
More than six million illegal cigarettes and 350kg of hand rolling tobacco were seized last year by local authority trading standards services across the West Midlands region. Officers point out that the big successes at finding illegal sales of tobacco were achieved despite ingenious efforts to hide them. They point […]
Shobna Gulati has spoken out about her own family’s experience of dementia to encourage more open discussion of the condition in South Asian communities. The actress has shared her story to launch a new campaign from Alzheimer’s Research UK, which aims to help people understand what dementia is and how it affects […]
A £6,000 boost from Sister Dora’s Explorers
A group of fundraisers calling themselves Sister Dora’s Explorers have saddled up, teed off and got the party started to raise £6,000 to buy a machine to help patients receiving chemotherapy at Walsall Manor Hospital. The group clocked up 200 miles in just one day cycling from Brighton Pier to […]
Wyndlow team ready to support Walsall women
A team of midwives will be supporting low risk Walsall women and ensuring they see the same midwives throughout their pregnancy and birth. The Wyndlow team – named in honour of local nursing heroine Sister Dora Wyndlow Pattison – implements “continuity of carer” which was rolled out across the country […]
Special visit from a four-legged friend
A very special visitor came to see patient Geoff Turner in the Intensive Care Unit at Walsall Manor Hospital – his beloved pet dog Karli. Geoff, aged 82, has suffered heart failure and is receiving palliative care. His family mentioned to nursing staff just how much he loved his four […]
Walsall Healthcare comes out of special measures
Continuing improvement, a positive culture and innovative ideas have led to Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust coming out of special measures following its latest inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). It has rated care as “Outstanding” across the trust and has highlighted a number of areas of outstanding practice in […]
Well Wishers provides the best medicine for young patients
Young patients are finding music, dance and games are the best medicine thanks to fundraisers who have helped buy a new system to brighten up the waiting room on the Paediatric Assessment Unit at Walsall Manor Hospital. While they’re waiting young patients are having their minds taken off their illnesses […]