Are you exercising regularly, yet not seeing the results you want? Or getting sidelined by pulled muscles and other injuries? Feeling tempted to drop out because you’re so bored? Don’t give up your fitness program just yet. Maybe the problem isn’t the exercise itself but the way you’re exercising. Doing […]
UK-Canada Diabetes Research Team Grants 2019
The UK Medical Research Council (MRC), the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) are pleased to invite proposals to the UK-Canada Diabetes Partnership Initiative. This initiative will provide funding for approximately six collaborative research project teams focused on tackling diabetes in […]
Britain is a nation of both keen gardeners and green fingered novices – but how does time in the garden benefit us all, from the very young to the older generation? With spring in full swing and National Gardening Week just behind us, there’s never been a better time to […]
Survival medicine 101: CBD for when SHTF
Survival medicine 101: CBD for when SHTF When SHTF, the last place you’d want to go to is a medical facility. Hospitals and clinics will be swarming with patients despite these places being severely understaffed. This is why it’s important to have a well-stocked emergency kit. It’s always a good […]
Our feline friends are at risk of a life-threatening health issue just like their owners – high blood pressure It’s easy for vets to check for high blood pressure in cats: Finding it early can prevent blindness, kidney damage, heart attacks and death They are our constant companion and […]
Burn those Calories this Summer!
Resolved to finally lose weight this year? Well, you need to mix up your workouts so they stay challenging. This will help keep your heart rate up, and force your body to burn more calories. The following workouts will not only burn serious calories, but they will also push your […]
ICU celebrates its first six months
“It totally feels like home.” For staff working on Walsall Manor Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit it’s hard to believe that it was just six months ago that its first patients moved into the new, state-of-the-art environment. The multi-million pound unit, constructed by Skanska, has brought together Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust’s […]
Professional Midwifery Advocates: Supporting mums, babies and our staff
Whether it’s talking through a mum’s experience of giving birth or working with midwives to cope in challenging situations, Walsall Healthcare’s Professional Midwifery Advocates (PMAs) are on hand to help. A new role, replacing the traditional ‘Midwifery Supervisors,’ a PMA will provide professional support for both staff and service users. […]