Following the launch of the Walsall Heritage Strategy (2021-2026), to unleash the Borough’s creative spirit and industry for the future, a new funding round has launched to support heritage projects. To support fresh ideas; from sharing untold stories to championing culture, from outdoor activities to creating digital content, the main aim […]
Updated education guidance issued as Walsall learns to ‘live with COVID-19
Following the announcement of the ‘Living with COVID-19′ strategy, Walsall Council has issued updated guidance to parents and carers to help keep children safe in education settings. In summary, if a child feels unwell and develop symptoms, parents are asked to continue testing by booking a PCR test for their […]
Walsall children have their secondary school confirmed
Thousands of children across the borough will receive their offer of a secondary school place. 1st March is National Offer Day, when children up and down the country find out which secondary school they have been allocated for the 2022/23 academic year. In Walsall, 3,836 applications were received on time. […]
Our Council Plan 2022-25 approved
At a meeting of Full Council on 24 February councillors approved Our Council Plan (Council’s corporate plan) 2022-25. The draft Plan was first considered at a meeting of Cabinet on 9 February, where it was agreed that the Plan be recommended to Council. The plan sets out Walsall Council’s ambitions […]
Reviewing residents’ entitlement for council tax single occupancy discount
Walsall Council’s review of ensuring that all residents who meet the eligibility criteria for a council tax single occupancy discount are fully supported is now underway. Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader said: “We are undertaking our annual review of who’s eligible for the Council Tax single occupancy for those individuals who […]
Walsall Leisure Centres offer week of half term family fun
Walsall’s leisure centres are once again offering a variety of fun activities for families and young people during the February half-term. Sessions will run between Monday 21 February and Sunday 27 February and bookings are now open. As well as public swimming at all four borough centres, Bloxwich and Oak […]
Walsall Hidden Hippo Trail Selfie Competition
Walsall’s Hidden Hippo Trail now offers users the chance to win prizes in a photographic competition. Participants could win up to £300 in ShopAppy vouchers that can be redeemed at participating retailers in Walsall. The ShopAppy scheme helps small businesses sell their goods online and a new click & collect […]
Walsall Successful in Bid for EV Chargepoint Funding
Walsall Council has been successful in securing £254k of grant funding from the Office of Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) as part of their On-street Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS) programme. This funding will be supported by £85k of match funding from the Council in order to deliver approximately 35 chargepoints across […]
No wrong door in Walsall for those with mental wellbeing concerns
Nearly two years of living through a pandemic has brought into very sharp focus the need for us all to take care of ourselves physically and mentally too. Walsall Council is directing funding at several community based projects to help. One of them is the Thrive Wellbeing project which will […]
Keeping safe during the expected stormy weather
Residents are being asked to be vigilant as the borough expects strong winds during the next couple of days. A yellow warning of strong winds is in place expected from the afternoon on 16 February until the early hours of Thursday morning and then a further Amber warning is in […]