Youngsters can swim for free at borough leisure centres over the half-term holidays – as it was revealed there have been more than 50,000 visits since the initiative started last summer.
Dudley Council bosses announced the scheme last July in a bid to encourage youngsters to stay active, keep fit and help beat the boredom during school breaks.
There have been 55,778 visits to the three centres by youngsters since July 2018.
Children who live in the borough from babies right up to 16-year-olds are eligible to swim for free at Dudley, Halesowen and Crystal leisure centres during public swimming times.
Councillor Ruth Buttery, cabinet member for children and young people, said:
Councillor Ian Kettle, cabinet member for regeneration and enterprise, said:
Children or their parents can register youngsters to take advantage of the offer at If children are already registered they do not need to be registered again as codes can be re-sent if requested from the website. Further information, including frequently asked questions, is also available on the website.