The council has been awarded a total of £5,325,012.42 following a bid in a national government Sustainable Warmth competition.
The Sustainable Warmth Competition is investing over £430 million across 57 projects and will help local authorities to upgrade energy inefficient homes and low-carbon heating of low-income households in England.
Low-income households who own their home can get upgrades fully funded within the relevant cost caps and do not have to contribute. Where a household is low-income and renting their home, the landlord must contribute at least a third of the total cost of upgrading the property within the relevant cost caps.
Further details will be made available as the project is delivered in the borough in the new year.
Councillor Adrian Andrew, Deputy Leader at Walsall Council said, “This significant amount of funding to support sustainable warmth in Walsall is welcomed and I am pleased that our bid has been successful.”
“The project will help to support those people who most need it in the borough to be able to heat their homes affordably and efficiently which in turn will support their health and well-being.”
“Boosting energy efficiency is a key priority in helping to reduce our carbon-footprint.”
The project will start in early 2022 and is due to be completed by March 2023.