Stress is many a time used as a social indicator of uneasiness and personal resistance from certain objects, places, persons, or environment. Environmental anxiety is what some people are facing in the current situation. The COVID-19, which is caused by SARS 2 (SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME), has created an atmosphere of panic and chaos in the minds of people all around the world. With over 208 countries and territories being affected around the world, the pandemic has become more than we ever imagined. With the current situation of the virus, which has a fatality rate of nearly 5% becoming anxious is typical. The stress is bursting out for various reasons be it social or financial. Due to the lockdown people sure are missing out on potential opportunities; Financial instability for the working class, Education for students, life for healthcare workers and coronavirus positive patients and more.
Considering such a huge situation, governments, organizations, hospitals, volunteers around the world trying hard to create a positive and optimistic atmosphere to ease down the stress of the public by providing the right set of information, safety measures, and providing necessary support in all possible ways. Here are some of the ways that we’ve mentioned to help yourself:
Take proper sleep – Most of the time we ignore the fact that a proper sleep of at least 8 hours is necessary for the proper functioning of our brain and body. A drained out mind increases the stress level and thereby you feel more isolated. So a proper nap regardless of the situations outside is a way to healthy living.
Meditation – Yoga, and meditation if done, would help you overcome the stress as you will be more connected and involved with yourself. You will be able to see an altogether different version of yourself where you are more diligent and confident.
Create plans for future – See this as an opportunity to create a resourceful activity for the future, remember – your plans today decide whether you’re an asset or a liability in the future.
Take out some family time – All we do in our life is to support our family and on the other hand, it’s the family that receives our least time. You could educate your family about the benefits of staying indoors, not falling prey to depression and anxiety.