£50k funding bid gets NHS Charities’ blessing

Funding from NHS Charities will be used to give a £50,000 makeover to the Chapel/Multi-faith room at Walsall Manor Hospital.

Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust’s Charitable Funds Committee agreed that a bid could be put together by Fundraising Manager Georgie Westley and Matron Lead for Quality David Powell to give the neglected space some much-needed TLC.

Thanks to the successful bid, the aim is to create a better private prayer area, a more appealing worship area and to make the Chapel/Multi-faith room a more welcoming environment.

David said: “The Chapel/Multifaith areas are incredibly important to the trust as they support staff, patients, visitors, volunteers and the community.

“But we recognise that the area does need a makeover, and has done for some time, and are extremely grateful to receive this funding from NHS Charities for the project.”

Georgie added: “People’s mental health and wellbeing is just as important as their physical health – particularly after the challenging last few months – and to be able to provide an improved, safe and comfortable environment means a lot to us.”

Joe Fielder is the trust’s Chaplaincy Team Leader and joined Walsall Healthcare last month.

He said: “There’s no doubt that these areas need some TLC and, as David says, we are delighted to have been successful in our bid to NHS Charities. I’m really grateful for the hard work of the former Team Leader Alison Coles for getting the bid together – our prayers have worked!

“Come and visit – whoever you are. We hope you will find rest for your souls.”

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