A firm focus on the future for Willenhall

Walsall Cabinet will be considering a report that sets out a 10-year vision for the future development of Willenhall. The report outlines a framework that aims to have a firm focus on the future of Willenhall, to have the aspiration to become a more vibrant, healthy and prosperous community.

The framework has been developed following the Love Willenhall public engagement in 2021. Respondents frequently mentioned redevelopment of derelict buildings, better public transport, and reduced crime levels. The vision is that Willenhall will grow into a vibrant, connected and welcoming town with a strong sense of place which celebrates its diverse communities and promotes safe, healthy and active lifestyles. Quality design and sustainable construction will move Willenhall towards a healthy, prosperous and sustainable future.

Willenhall is already set to have a new railway station, being delivered with the West Midlands Mayor and Government investment, which is expected to open in 2023 which will improve connections to opportunities across the wider region and open Willenhall up for new customers. The framework identifies four Areas of Opportunity centred on Moat Street/Villiers Street, the Pinson Road area, land around the site of the new railway station and land to the north of the district centre.

The Areas of Opportunity have been assessed against a series of criteria and are expected to incorporate new housing as well as green space, community facilities and improved walking and cycle routes. The plans will require a phased programme of land acquisition with the first phase to be focused on Moat Street/ Villiers Street. A draft Business Charter has been prepared setting out the Council’s commitment to support businesses that may be impacted by any development proposals.

Speaking about the framework, Deputy Leader of Walsall Council, Cllr Adrian Andrew said:

“The Willenhall Framework Plan aims to have a firm focus on the future of Willenhall, to have the aspiration to become a more vibrant, healthy and prosperous community. Willenhall has a strong identity linked to its proud industrial past including at the heart of the lock making industry. Now is the time to focus on the future, Willenhall’s distinct heritage and mixed land uses presents opportunities to boost housing, create a stronger economy and greener and more sustainable environment”.

Image: Artist impression-  junction of Villiers Street / Cemetery Road, Willenhall

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