Adopt A Street steps up in fight against litter

More people are being invited to help keep their neighbourhood litter-free following Sandwell’s Adopt A Street scheme being extended.

Funding from Sandwell Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) and Sandwell’s Big Spring Clean campaign mean more streets can now get involved.

The campaign is run by Litter Watch and supported by Sandwell Council and its environmental services partner Serco.

The campaign will complement existing street cleaning across the six towns.

A number of Adopt A Street volunteer schemes started up earlier this year, and with the new funding in place, organisers are particularly looking for volunteers in the following areas:

  • Cape Hill and surrounding roads, Smethwick
  • Friar Park, Wednesbury
  • Tibbington Estate, Tipton
  • West Bromwich Central
  • Lion Farm/Grace Mary, Oldbury/Tividale
  • Cox’s Lane & surrounding roads, Rowley

Deputy Council Leader Councillor Maria Crompton said: “Adopt A Street is a civic pride campaign which builds on the day-to-day work of our waste and cleaning teams.

“A five-minute litter pick can make all a difference, so any time that people can give to ‘adopt their street’ is very much appreciated.

“We thank Litter Watch for leading this on this great initiative, and SCVO for their funding support. Together with our waste partner Serco, we are also able to fund the Adopt A Street with funding from this year’s Big Spring Clean, which couldn’t go ahead earlier in the year due to coronavirus.

“Litter picks can be as small or large as people wish. We hope people will want to help out and keep their street litter-free.”

Participants must litter pick individually or with someone in the same household, adhering to government guidelines around social distancing at all times. Large groups litter picking with other households are not allowed at this time for everyone’s safety.

Equipment must not be shared with anyone outside a family household and cleaned after every litter pick.

Discarded face masks and gloves will be allowed to be collected using equipment. Under no circumstances should the contaminated items be picked up with hands.

Anyone volunteering for the campaign will get litter-picking equipment, bags, hi-viz vest, gloves, Litter Watch T-shirt and advice on health and safety.

Adopt a Street volunteers can share their litter picking photos with us on Twitter. Tag @LitterWatch1 @SandwellCouncil @Sercoesuk

To get involved, email or call Litter Watch on 0121 557 6970 or 07936 359529

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