Cash from developers to spruce up beauty spots

Nearly £250,000 is to be spent on improvements to two beauty spots from a cash pot funded by developers building in the borough.

Developers behind major schemes such as large housing developments in the borough have to contribute cash to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

Nearly £520,000 has been deposited since Dudley Council adopted the CIL in October 2015. The cash is available for people or organisations to bid for infrastructure schemes which support growth or regeneration in the borough.

A paper set to go before Dudley Council’s ruling cabinet at a meeting on Monday (Jan 6) says two projects have been approved funding through CIL.

It proposes to allocate £72,318 for improvements to the play area at Mary Stevens Park in Stourbridge.

A further £165,000 is set to be granted for works around the Castle Hill woodland project and Peggy’s Meadow in Dudley town centre. The work includes the creation of a network of paths and cycle routes, and extra protection to site boundaries to protect it from illegal fly tipping.

Councillor Ian Kettle, cabinet member for regeneration and enterprise, said:

The Community Infrastructure Levy is a valuable source of funding for the council.
It’s great to see a good chunk of it is going to be spent on two very worthy schemes.
We welcome any submissions for projects that will better our borough.

The bids will be discussed at the next meeting of Dudley Council’s cabinet on Monday January 6 at Dudley Council House. It starts at 5pm and members of the public are welcome to attend.

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