Know the warning signs of sexual exploitation this Christmas

With the festive season upon us, people are reminded to be aware of the key warning signs of child sexual exploitation (CSE).

The see me, hear me partnership led by West Midlands Police and councils across the West Midlands, including Dudley Council, is highlighting the signs of this hidden crime in the run up to Christmas, to help people identify concerns and get help.

If you see a child or young person receiving unexplained money or gifts this Christmas, this could be an indication something is wrong.

This, along with other unusual behaviour such as mood swings, skipping school, being secretive and staying out late, are all signs parents, carers, schools, professionals and young people should not ignore.

Catherine Knowles, interim director of children’s services, said:

We know young people will be getting new things and exchanging gifts during the festive season, but it’s important for parents and carers to look out for anything unusual as this could indicate they may be at risk of abuse.
CSE can affect both girls and boys and being aware of the warning signs, and acting on them early, can help prevent abuse happening or escalating.
We all have our part to play in protecting our children and young people from this horrific abuse and I would encourage people to check out our website to find out more and see what they can do to help protect children and young people.” contains a wealth of information about CSE and the warning signs to look out for, as well as signposting people to help and support.

CSE can happen to anyone, regardless of their gender, culture or background.

It is child abuse and involves perpetrators grooming their victims in various ways, such as in person, via mobiles or online, to gain their trust before emotionally, physically (including threats to harm) and sexually abusing them.

It can take place in many forms, whether through a seemingly consensual relationship, or a young person being forced to have sex in return for some kind of payment, such as drugs, money, gifts or even protection and affection.

Anyone who is concerned about the safety of a young person should call West Midlands Police on 101, speak in confidence to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 or in an emergency call 999.

Childline also have counsellors available online at

People can find out more information about child sexual exploitation by visiting

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