Older people’s day celebrations

A special event to celebrate International Older People’s Day was held yesturday (Tuesday October 1) at one of Dudley Council’s newly refurbished sheltered housing schemes.

To mark the occasion and to celebrate the lives of older people in Dudley borough, Margaret Vine Court in Halesowen invited residents from other council-run sheltered housing schemes to come and enjoy a day of activities and entertainment.

The event saw residents have manicures and pedicures and the people behind the pom-poms for loneliness campaign from Just Straight Talk in Coseley were there to spread a little happiness and get people joining in their pom-pom craze.

Councillor Laura Taylor, cabinet member for housing, communities and residents’ welfare, said:

Older residents across the borough should be celebrated every day of the year for their contribution to society but it’s nice to see some of them coming together from all corners of the borough as we mark this international day.
Our sheltered housing schemes provide a ready-made community for the residents who choose to live in them, crucial to preventing loneliness and isolation in the future.
Thanks to everyone who has helped make today’s event happen, I hope it was enjoyable for all.

Margaret Vine Court along with Holloway Court were both subject to a multi-million pound refurbishment, which saw apartments improved, with new layouts, kitchens and en-suite shower facilities added. Some apartments were extended and some balconies installed.

The schemes went on to win the national Association of Public Service Excellence’s health and wellbeing award in recognition of its benefits to the health and wellbeing of tenants.

Older People’s Day is an internationally recognised event, which acknowledges and appreciates the extraordinary contributions and achievements of older people.

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