At a meeting of Full Council on 24 February councillors approved Our Council Plan (Council’s corporate plan) 2022-25. The draft Plan was first considered at a meeting of Cabinet on 9 February, where it was agreed that the Plan be recommended to Council.
The plan sets out Walsall Council’s ambitions for the next three years which would see a happier, healthier population, better opportunities for all people; a future where the borough’s town centres are safe, clean and vibrant and children have the best possible start in life.
Our Council Plan has been informed by an updated Joint Strategic Needs and Assets Assessment (JSNA), several internal strategies, internal and external surveys, Community Safety Needs and the Local Economic Needs Assessments.
Councillor Mike Bird, Leader of Walsall Council said:
“The pandemic hasn’t gone away and we’re all having to learn to live safely with COVID. For Walsall Council we have adapted working practices as necessary and will continue to do so to meet the needs of our diverse borough.
Our Council Plan 2022-25 discusses the current landscape and offers projected Outcomes for the next three years with clear indicators of what success of these Outcomes would look like — the markers of success.
Councillor Bird added:
“We have been, and are still going through, an extremely challenging period but I could not be prouder of Walsall’s response to the pandemic. Walsall is a great place to live, work and visit and this plan shows how we intend to improve it further by providing excellent services, support and opportunities for our communities and we’re committed to ensuring that our growth will improve the lives of our residents, staff and businesses.
“Progress against the priorities and outcomes set out in the Plan will be reviewed regularly.”