A programme of popular summer events – set to be held in Sandwell parks and beauty spots – has been cancelled due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and government advice around social distancing.
Sandwell Council has taken the difficult decision to cancel events planned on council land until at least 6 September.
Councillor Maria Crompton, deputy leader, Sandwell Council, said: “It’s very sad and disappointing that we have had to cancel these events, many of them are held annually and we know that they are extremely popular with people.
“It’s not a decision that we have taken lightly but people’s safety must come first and current government social distancing guidance means large scale events are unable to take place safely.
“We will continue to monitor government advice and we look forward to when we can welcome people back to events.”
Councillor Crompton added that one of the events that had been cancelled was the very popular annual Armed Forces Day in Dartmouth Park on 27 June and that this had now been added to the council’s virtual events programme which could be followed at www.discoversandwell.co.uk and www.facebook.com/DiscoverSandwell
Events affected are:
- Armed Forces Day: Dartmouth Park, 27 June
- Sandwell Children’s Triathalon: Sandwell Valley Country Park, 28 June
- Kayes Fun Fair: Victoria Park Tipton, 2-5 July
- TUC Women Chainmakers’ Festival: Mary McArthur Gardens, 4-5 July
- Sandwell Volleyball Tournament: King George Playing Fields, 4 July
- Filipino Festival: Lightwoods Park, 4 July
- Corngreaves Academy Sports Day: Beardmore Park, 10 July
- Wednesbury Carnival: Brunswick Park, 11 July
- SHAPE Festival: Sandwell Valley Showground, 11 July
- Cradley Heath Green Landscapes Project: Haden Hill Park, 16 July
- Sandwell and Birmingham Mela: Victoria Park, Smethwick, 18-19 July
- Pizza Run: Sandwell Valley, 25 July
- MADE Festival: Sandwell Valley, 1 August
- Bearwood Shuffle: Lightwoods Park, 22 August
- Friends of Dartmouth Park Summer Fair, Dartmouth Park, 22 August
- Kayes Car Boot: Sandwell Valley, 28-31 August
- Smile for Joel: Sandwell Valley, 6 Septembe