Thousands of children find out what primary school they have been allocated for September 2023 on National Offer Day

The number of children who will be starting school in September is slightly reduced this year due to the lower birth rate in 2018/19.

In Walsall, 3417 reception applications were received on time and every applicant who applied on time has received an offer of a school place for September 2023.

From this number, 3154 (92.3%) have been offered their first preference, 136 (3.98%) their second preference and 40 (1.17%) their third preference.

“ We have worked in partnership with Walsall schools and families to highlight the importance of getting applications in on time and this has worked. It’s a real achievement and this terrific effort from both schools and families has meant that a high proportion of children were allocated their first preference of primary school.

Our thanks to everyone that has made this happen and we wish joy and success to those children starting their learning journeys at primary school in September 2023

Sharon Kelly, Director of Access and Inclusion
Walsall Council

Of the 87 children in Walsall not offered one of their preferred schools, 66 of these applicants had expressed a preference for only one school – rather than using all of the three preferences that is available to every applicant. Walsall Council always advises applicants to utilise all three preferences and also recommends that all families contact their preferred schools before submitting an application.

The entire primary schools admissions process is now online, so parents can view their results on ‘Offer Day’ by logging into Walsall Council’s School Admissions Portal on the school admissions pages of the council website.

The council will also be sending emails to the families of all those children who submitted on time applications to confirm their school allocation.

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