Consultation launched on licensing schemes for private landlords in West Bromwich

Sandwell Council has launched a 10-week consultation on proposals to introduce two new licensing schemes for private landlords in parts of West Bromwich to the improve the area and living conditions for tenants.

The consultation – launched today (Monday 27 January) – gives people and landlords the chance to give their views on the two schemes to improve housing conditions and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour problems.

The one scheme –  selective licensing – would see landlords of all privately rented properties in the specified area applying for a licence from the council.

They would also need to meet minimum management and property standards, helping to protect landlords, tenants and residents.

The second scheme – additional licensing – would mean that landlords of any house in multiple occupation or HMO also applying for a licence from the council, unless they already hold a mandatory HMO licence.

This would ensure properties are managed properly.

In areas where additional and selective licensing applies, landlords must apply for a one-off licence for each house they let, and meet various licensing conditions.

The views of local residents – including tenants, landlords, managing agents, businesses and other members of the local community – are being sought on plans to bring in the scheme which would affect around 3,000 private-rented properties.

Residents in the area are being urged to complete either an online questionnaire or a postal questionnaire they will receive. A number of drop-in sessions are also being held for the public and landlords during the ten-week consultation.

Designated streets in and around West Bromwich High Street and the town centre have been identified as areas that would see significant benefits – such as improved housing conditions, less crime and anti-social behaviour, as well as improving the image and perception of the area – if licensing was introduced.

Councils can introduce licensing under the Housing Act 2004, to tackle issues such as low housing demand, significant anti-social behaviour, poor property conditions, migration, high levels of deprivation or high levels of crime.

Councillor Joanne Hadley, cabinet member for homes, said: “We know that we have a lot of good landlords who recognise their responsibilities and care about their tenants.

“We also know that there are landlords who charge high rents, allow their tenants to live in poorly-maintained properties or don’t take action against tenants causing anti-social behaviour, and all of these are unacceptable.

“We want to make sure that all tenants – whatever their type of tenancy – live in a good standard of property in a safe neighbourhood.

“We want to hear people’s views on these licensing proposals as part of the consultation.”

The consultation which runs from Monday 27 January until Sunday 5 April is available online

The results of the consultation will be reported back to the council’s Cabinet later in the year.

Drop-in sessions for the public are:

Monday 31 January at Court House – ground floor reception – 335-337 High Street, West Bromwich from 10am-12noon and 3pm-4pm.

Wednesday 5 February at YMCA Café, 38 Carters Green, West Bromwich from 12noon-2pm.

Tuesday 11 February at Wood Lane Community Centre, 157 Wood Lane, West Bromwich from 1pm-2pm.

Wednesday 19 February at Lyng Centre – ground floor reception – Frank Fisher Way, West Bromwich from 2pm-4pm.

Monday 24 February/Friday 28 February  at Revenues and Benefits  and Cashier Services, 104-105 Kings Square, High Street, West Bromwich from 3pm-4.45pm.

Thursday 5 March at West Bromwich Leisure Centre – ground floor reception –  Moor Street, West Bromwich from 3.30pm-5.30pm.

Wednesday 11 March at Central Library, 316 High Street, West Bromwich from 12noon-2pm.

Friday 20 March at Wood Lane Community Centre, 157 Wood Lane, West Bromwich from 4pm-5pm.

Monday 30 March at Court House – ground floor reception – 335-337 High Street, West Bromwich from 10am-12noon and 4pm-5pm.

Meetings for landlords are:

Tuesday 11 February at Wood Lane Community Centre, 157 Wood Lane, West Bromwich from 2pm-4pm.

Friday 20 March at Wood Lane Community Centre, 157 Wood Lane, West Bromwich from 6pm-8pm.

There is also a General Landlords Forum on Wednesday 4 March at Smethwick Mencap Social Club, Derrick Patterson Building, Price Street, Smethwick from 6pm-8pm when selective licensing/additional licensing will be on the agenda.

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