The well known Walsall Canal is a historic land-marker in the West Midlands region. The body of water runs for an approximate seven miles from Ryders Green Junction to Walsall Town Wharf.
The surrounding canal area is also home to some notable sites. These include mooring facilities and New Walsall Art Gallery, which attracts thousands of visitors each year.
However, those living within the county recently raised concerns over a dark and sticky substance that has been found in the canal waters. It is unknown as to whether the oil was purposely or accidentally spilt into the canal and who by.
Mortified Local Claire Turner stated that she was “absolutely shocked” when she saw what had become of the colour of the canal. The canal water was photographed by onlookers as having a sheen to its surface due to a chemical compound having fallen within it.
Claire Turner continued: “We’ve phoned the Canal and River Trust and Environment Agency to report it.
“I took pictures of it on Friday, and it was really bad. Oil was in the water, and all the reeds were black.
“I put my fingers on the bottom of the reeds, and my fingers were covered in oil. I don’t know where it’s come from.
“It looks to me like someone has thrown an oil drum in there, but there’s no evidence of that.”
Residents also noticed that the birds and geese that are usually seen afloat on the canal were nowhere to be found. Fears have been raised for the aquatic life living beneath the water’s surface.
“My other half said it was bad, but when I saw it I was absolutely shocked, I couldn’t believe it,” she added.
“If something had been done earlier, it might have stopped spreading.”
The Environment Agency and Canal & River Trust have been asked for comment. No response has yet been given.
By Manisha Bhanot