Smethwick food company closes voluntarily following COVID-19 outbreak

Scheff Foods Ltd in Smethwick has closed voluntarily for 14 days after 16 workers tested positive for COVID-19.

The company, located at Halfords Park, off Halfords Lane, is working closely with Sandwell Council, Public Health England (PHE) Midlands and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to manage the outbreak and prevent further spread of the virus.

Scheff Foods has closed voluntarily from today (Wednesday 9 September), reopening on 23 September, to allow for deep cleaning and other preventative measures to take place.

The Health and Safety Executive has given the company advice and is putting further controls in place to prevent transmission.

Five members of staff tested positive at the end of August and, following proactive testing of staff last week, a further 11 positive cases have now been identified.

Staff who have tested positive have already been asked to self-isolate for 10 days and their household contacts to self-isolate for 14 days.

Following the decision to close the factory, all other staff will now be treated as workplace contacts and have been asked to self-isolate for 14 days during the closure period.

Around 80 people work on the site. Staff will be communicated with during the closure period, for any further guidance and updates.

People who live with Scheff Foods members of staff do not need to self-isolate themselves unless they live with someone who has tested positive or is displaying symptoms of COVID-19.

Any members of the public with symptoms of COVID-19 (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or a loss or change of smell or taste) should self-isolate at home and must book a test as soon as possible by going online to the NHS coronavirus webpages or by calling 119.

Dr Lisa McNally, Sandwell’s director of public health, said: “I would like to thank Scheff Foods for alerting us to the outbreak and their ongoing co-operation.

“This voluntary closure will help to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“It’s very important that all staff members self-isolate for 14 days, to protect other people from the virus.”

Sandwell Council is working with businesses across the borough to make sure they are aware of their responsibilities regarding reporting cases of COVID-19 among staff and also giving advice and support to make sure they are operating safely.

Dr James Chipwete, Consultant in Communicable Disease Control with Public Health England (PHE) Midlands, said: “We have been working with the company since the first cases were reported to ensure measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus were in place and continued to be followed. Closing the site on a temporary basis is the best means of stopping transmission of the virus at this location.”

A spokesperson for Scheff Foods Ltd said: “The safety and wellbeing of all our staff is of the highest importance and we have followed many measures to prevent transmission at our site including conducting daily temperature checks of all staff. At no point did we see any spikes in temperature or reports of symptoms associated with COVID-19. As soon as we became aware of positive cases, a number of staff were immediately asked to self-isolate and we ensured that we alerted public health professionals.

“We have made the difficult decision to voluntary close for two weeks as this is the most effective means of containing the outbreak. This action will help protect the health of our workforce as well as that of the wider community.

“Our aim is to be proactive in containing the outbreak and follow all support and guidance offered.”

If a business does have two or more coronavirus cases in their workplace then they must notify Sandwell’s public health team as soon as possible at

More information on the coronavirus pandemic in Sandwell is available on the Healthy Sandwell website.

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are recent onset of a new continuous cough or a high temperature or a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia).

If you develop these symptoms, however mild, or you have received a positive coronavirus (COVID-19) test result, then you should immediately self-isolate stay at home for at least 10 days from when your symptoms started. More information is available on the Government website.

It is very unlikely that COVID-19 is transmitted through food or food packaging – please see the Government website advice for consumers on food.

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