Other News

Have your say on council tax reduction scheme

Dudley Council is consulting on proposed changes to its council tax reduction (CTR) scheme which will streamline the process and particularly help claimants on Universal Credit (UC). CTR reduces the amount of council tax that low income households (including those claiming UC) have to pay to the local authority. Currently, […]

Working together in Walsall to safeguard adults

Walsall Healthcare’s Safeguarding colleagues will join its School Nursing Team and borough partners to stage an information and support event as part of National Safeguarding Adults Week. National Safeguarding Adults Week runs from 18-22 November and will focus on: Self-neglect Modern slavery Online bullying and cyber security Disability hate crime […]

UKAS and Sportsafe lead the way with groundbreaking inspection standard that will save schools money

UKAS is responsible for “mass life critical” safety testing processes and standards used in nuclear power stations, transport safety systems, aircraft safety and the testing of our drinking water. UKAS is the sole national accreditation body recognised by the British government to assess the competence of organisations that provide certification, testing, inspection and calibration services. Sportsafe, the […]

TV star lights up Halesowen town

More than 5,000 people turned out to enjoy the Halesowen Christmas lights switch on, with the town’s home-grown talent Gregory Piper making a star appearance. Gregory, who plays troubled teen Ryan Pilkington in BBC drama Line of Duty and is from the town, pressed the button to switch on the […]