Five Saddlers players have been named Player Ambassadors for the 2019/20 season.
Continuing Walsall FC’s and the PFA’s commitment to player engagement, the first-team squad take part in a number of player visits throughout the year.
Co-ordinated by Walsall FC Community Programme and the PFA, the players appear at various community activities including school and local projects.
The PFA are strong supporters of community schemes up and down the country, and work closely with clubs and players to use the power of football for good causes.
Walsall FCCP recorded nearly 300 player engagements for the 2018/19, and are committed to continuing this for the new season.
Community Director Adam Davy said: “The ambassadors’ role will be to promote our key themes in the Walsall community.
“Walsall FC is proud to be recognised as a ‘community club’ and we are pleased to have the players supporting our work.”