Health Benefits of Aerobic Exercises!

The countless comforts that technology provides us today have simplified our lives, but with a price! An unhealthy body!  Problems in the disguise of diabetes, hyper tension, chronic heart disease, high blood pressure and more recently obesity, have paved their way into our so called comfortable life, creating perilous threat to our lives.

To combat these problems you need to exercise vigorously enough to speed up your heart rate and keep it up for at least 20 minutes! Because it takes at least that long for your heart to work hard enough for you to experience cardiovascular and endorphin benefits. Get your heart rate up and keep it up for at least 20 minutes per session, ideally daily. Huff and puff a little. Break out in a sweat. Burn energy. Move fast. A vigorous aerobic activity session for 45 minutes every other day is a good alternative. It builds your endurance, strengthens your heart, and increases your lung capacity.

Cardio releases endorphins, those wonderful mood-elevating brain chemicals.

The health benefits are:

ª             Tones the muscles and makes them stronger.

ª             Increases your speed, balance, flexibility, coordination and sharpens reflexes.

ª             Reduces stress. Aerobic activity is one of the most successful STRESS-BUSTER programs in the Fitness industry globally.

ª             Burns a high of 500 calories per hour.


If you are frustrated by a bulging tummy, double chin, sagging arms and extra fats, Aerobic Activity can be your efficient fat burner.


ª             Improves heart and lung function

ª             Lowers heart rate and blood pressure

ª             Increases blood supply to muscles and improves ability to use oxygen

ª             DETOXIFIES the skin, wherein all body toxins are thrown out through intense perspiration.

ª             Increases HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol)

ª             Decreases triglycerides

ª             Reduces body fat and improves weight control

ª             Improves glucose tolerance and reduces insulin resistance

ª             Enhances immune function, which means:

ª       Increases resistance to viral and bacterial infection

ª       Increases resistance to cancer

ª             Lowers blood sugar levels and reduces risk of diabetes

ª             Longer life expectancy

Love the moves and feel the pulse of your muscles. Feel them grow, feel the blow. Stretch a little. Jump and Kick some more. And kick high. The aerobic activity advantage will give you a health and heart good time advantage. Bring out the dynamo in you!

Important Exercise Tips to keep in mind:

  • Wear flexible and light exercise shoes and comfortable cotton or lycra exercise clothes.
  • Feel free to sip water throughout the workout.
  • Constantly breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth throughout the exercise routine.
  • Stay up tall, shoulders back and hold your stomach in tight during while doing dance aerobic exercises
  • Be light on your feet and ALWAYS land on your heels to avoid shin splins.
  • Do work out atleast 3 times a week – a minimum of 20 minutes of cardio,
  • Have a good warm –up, cool down and stretching exercises.
  • Give yourself atleast a 2 hour gap between your meals and workouts
  • Eat healthy – a high protein – low carbohydrate diet, with lots of vegetables, fruits and some dairy products.

BOLLYFIT with Reema Sarin!

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