Birmingham’s iconic water feature – The River – was officially switched back on in Victoria Square. The fountain has been repaired and refurbished as part of a £12.395m city centre public realm scheme – the first phase of which has seen improvements to Victoria Square. Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Cllr […]
Tag: Local
Birmingham City University to fling its doors open for free family event
Birmingham City University is opening its doors to the community for a free day of interactive fun and activities for families and people of all ages. The Inspired Family Day, taking place between 11am and 4pm on Saturday, 11 June 2022, is designed for curious young minds, offering a […]
Get active during national Walk to School Week (16 to 20 May)
Walsall Council’s A*STARS Road Safety team is inviting the borough’s primary schools and their pupils to use active travel on their journey to school. The nationwide campaign for Walk to School Week is taking place between the 16 and 20 May encourages pupils and parents to use active and sustainable […]
Walsall Town Centre Survey to Inform Major Regeneration Projects
Walsall Council has engaged a specialist company to undertake face-to-face interviews with residents ahead of two major regeneration projects in the Town Centre. Between 17 May and 9 June 2022, researchers will be in town asking residents and visitors about the town centre and plans to improve the visitor experience, […]
Change into Action to be promoted at Walsall Market on 20 May
Information about a scheme that supports organisations to help rough sleepers is being shared on Friday 20 May at the Walsall Town Centre Market, Park Street between 9am and 4pm. Change into Action is a partnership between Walsall Council, the Mayor of the West Midlands and the West Midlands Combined […]
Keep children within their communities; more foster carers are needed in Walsall
Too often, due to a lack of foster carers, children are placed with foster families away from their local communities, and sibling groups are separated. This warning comes from the UK’s leading fostering charity, The Fostering Network, joined by Walsall Fostering Service. This issue is highlighted during Foster Care Fortnight […]
Platinum Jubilee celebrations across Walsall
Across the borough, residents have been busy planning street parties and other events, schools have been planning street party-type events, as have residential care homes. Added to that Community Associations and other voluntary sector organisations have been beavering away planning events, many of which are for Walsall’s most vulnerable residents. […]
Birmingham 2022 Queen’s Baton Relay to visit Walsall as full England route revealed
Birmingham 2022 is hosting the 16th official Queen’s Baton Relay — a journey which brings together and celebrates communities across the Commonwealth during the build up to the Games. In England, the Queen’s Baton Relay will provide the opportunity for communities to experience the excitement for Birmingham 2022, as the 11 […]
Edgbaston Stadium and Green Lane Masjid unite for Eid prayers in Birmingham
Edgbaston Stadium hosted one of the biggest Eid al-Fitr celebrations in the country earlier today as it welcomed around 2,000 visitors for prayers through a partnership with Birmingham’s Green Lane Masjid & Community Centre (GLMCC). Staged on Edgbaston’s Colts (training) Ground, families from across the country came to Edgbaston to […]
Mayor’s Vaisakhi celebrations bring together members of West Midland’s Sikh community
Members of West Midland’s Sikh community celebrated Vaisakhi with the Mayor of West Midlands Andy Street. The event, which was held at NatWest’s offices in Birmingham, marked the annual spring harvest celebrations celebrated by Sikhs. Mayor Street was joined by Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh Ji, Chairman of the Guru […]