Tag: Local

Zaf the “Philanthropist”

Mohammed Zafran BEM, who is recognised as Zaf to his Peers has been highly active once again at a time when the World is suffering with the ongoing Corona issues. Zaf who is highly influential in his role as a Youth Ambassador, has been liaising with community groups and the […]

Sandwell launches anti-litter campaign

Sandwell Council has launched an anti-litter campaign to challenge people’s behaviours on littering and to warn them that they could face a fine fixed-penalty notice of £100 for dropping litter in Sandwell. Posters have gone up around Sandwell – including parks – to act as a reminder that dropping litter […]

Helping older people stay active

Sandwell Council and Active Black Country have teamed up help older people stay active. The Council is working with Active Black Country to distribute older age care packs to older people living in supported accommodation in Sandwell. The packs include exercise equipment such as a stress ball and exercise band […]