Tag: Local

New safeguarding arrangements in place

A new partnership arrangement to safeguard vulnerable children and adults in Dudley borough is now in place. Dudley Council’s cabinet approved plans earlier this year to merge the functions of the existing Dudley Safeguarding Adults Board and Dudley Safeguarding Children’s Board into the new Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership. Following the […]

Dudley Recycles

People are being encouraged to recycle more this Recycle Week (23 – 29 September) For its 17th annual Recycle Week, Recycle Now is capitalising on this heightened awareness and asking residents – and people all over the UK – to act and focus on getting recycling right during the week. […]

Feed the birds and save the planet

The fun session organised by the council’s recycling team and delivered by staff at the centre will see plastic water bottles upcycled into bird feeders. The session is on Wednesday the 25th September from 1pm to 6pm. There is a suggested donation of £2 per child to attend. There is […]

Chance for budding authors to get Skrawling

Everyone has one novel in them, so the saying goes – and budding authors in Wolverhampton are being given the chance to unleash their creative side. Libraries services across the Black Country have teamed up with Boomwriter for the Skrawl story writing competition. Using software provided by Boomwriter, adults will […]