Great News for Twitter Users
Twitter is now working hard to provide a new feature which would give you the option to re-order multiple attached tweet images, via the old ‘drag and drop’ method.
This will make it easier to compose your tweets in the way you want, instead of the restrictions (and frustration) of having to upload images in a particular order. In the past, you had to delete the post and start over if the order didn’t look right.
Although, this addition may be surprising to some who didn’t they think of the over-simplicity of this feature before. Indeed, it will probably prove the most useful feature yet for when compiling image based posts, ultimately giving you more control over how you craft your tweets. It will also be critical for brands that use Twitter for maximum exposure on the platform.
The new feature will definitely help solve multiple upload problems but at the moment Twitter is tight-lipped as to when the new update will be released. It is currently in test phase at the moment. Watch this space.
However, it’s great to see that Twitter is continuing to test and add new features. An example of this is its improved desktop experience, which is looking more like a tablet/smartphone interface. Another new function is its improved conversational experience and swipeable lists from your main feed, new icons to streams making things much more clear for users of the platform overall. Twitter is always trying to improve its algorithms, delivering more relevant content on home timelines for improved user experiences worldwide.
Khalid Karim