A free session helping people in the borough to stay safe online is being run next week.
Anyone who lives or works in the borough can sign up for Staying Safe Online. It takes place on Thursday February 6 from 5pm to 6pm at Dudley Wood Neighbourhood Learning Centre in Dudley Wood Road.
It is being run by safe and sound, Dudley’s community safety partnership.
The session will be delivered by Police Community Support Officer Sean Long, who is one of only three specialist digital PCSOs in the country.
It will cover cyber risks and safety tips such as current threats, passwords, WiFi and a touch of social media in addition to signposting people to further information about staying safe online.
Councillor Laura Taylor, cabinet member for housing, communities and residents’ welfare, said:
To book online please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/staying-safe-online-tickets-83765580105.